Water Service

The District provides: storage and delivery of Potable (drinking) water purchased from Sonoma Water. The District provides potable water to customers through 1000 service connections ranging in size from 5/8" to 4". The District distributes about 110,000,000 gallons of water per year to both residential and commercial customers.
Water bills are sent out every OTHER month. Meters are read on the "EVEN" months (February, April, June, August, October, and December). Bills are due on or before the 25th day of the following "ODD" months (January, March, May, July, September, and November). Late Notices will be sent on the next business day following the 25th. The date of termination of service (approximately 60 (sixty) days after the original due date) will be indicated on the Final Notice. Bills not paid by the 25th due date will accrue a $10 (ten dollars) Late Fee. Bills that remain past due over 15 (fifteen) days after the 25th will accrue an additional $10 (ten dollars) Late Fee to the account. If service has been interrupted for non-payment, there is a $50 (fifty dollars) Re-connection Fee which will need to be paid along with the full balance due on the account before service is reconnected. If you need extra time to pay, contact our office BEFORE the 25th to make payment arrangements.
Service Disconnection Policy - Forestville Water District (forestvillewd.com)
Ord. #84: Water charges include a flat bi-monthly (every two months) meter fee of $33.31 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) serviced by each meter (Res. #421). Any service address without any water consumption will still incur the flat bi-monthly meter fee.
Water consumption charges are as follow (maximum gallons per tier x's # of EDU):
TIER 1 (0 to 12,000 - for 1 EDU): $7.45 (per 1,000 Gallons)
TIER 2 (12,001-23,000 - for 1 EDU): $9.31
TIER 3 (23,001 and greater - for 1 EDU): $11.18
Rates for water service are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.
A. FWD allows one monetary adjustment to a customer's water/sewer bill due to a water leak every 7 years. To qualify for a leak adjustment the leak must be repaired within 3 days of becoming aware of the leak and the leak is not due to negligence (see Ordinance 75 for further details) of the property owner. Proof of repair must be submitted along with a Leak Adjustment Request. Call the District Office at (707) 887-1551 or email info@forestvillewd.com to obtain the Leak Adjustment Request.
A. First, make sure that you and those around you are safe then call our office at (707) 887-1551. During business hours staff will take down the relevant information and send an operator to assist. After hours, call the number above and select prompt #1 for our on-call staff.
Penal code section 498: Only authorized FWD personnel can turn on/off the main meter. After hours emergencies, call the same number and selection prompt #1 for our on-call staff.