Drought Emergency Lifted – For Now!
Last winter’s rains filled our two reservoirs, Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino, that are the sole source of water to the Russian River. Therefore, Sonoma County and Forestville Water District have lifted the restrictions on water use that were in place during our last drought of 2020-2023 – the driest 3-year period in California history.
Last summer, the Sonoma County Water Agency, our water supplier, set a limit on the amount of water they would give us. Thus, we asked our customers to conserve water, and you came through. We recorded a greater than 20% reduction in your metered water use. We want to thank you for your great work.
However, climate change now causes increasingly severe droughts in California. These dry periods tend to be interrupted by winter rainfall that may or may not refill our reservoirs. Last winter, we were lucky.

But do not forget that during our last flood year of 2019, Lakes Sonoma and Mendocino also filled up. And then, by the end of last summer, they had once again been drawn down to critical levels.
Despite lifting the drought emergency, we advise our customers to continue to conserve water. Remember that on May 9, 2016, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-37-16, entitled Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life. This order permanently prohibited the following water-wasting activities:
- Hosing off sidewalks, driveways, and other hardscapes except as needed for construction or health and safety purposes (such as, but not limited to, dust control, fire suppression and removing pathogenic waste);
- Washing automobiles with hoses not equipped with a shut-off nozzle;
- Using non-recirculated water in a fountain or other decorative water feature;
- Watering lawns in a manner that causes runoff, or within forty-eight (48) hours after measurable precipitation.
In addition to these measures, Forestville Water District recommends that you install timed drip irrigation wherever possible to deliver water to landscape and garden plantings.
Water restriction may not be needed for now. But no matter how much rainfall we may receive this next winter, our need to conserve water will never go away.
Stop by the office to pick up a free Water Conservation Kit.
For further information & current water supply and countywide efforts check out our Facebook page:Forestville Water District | Forestville CA | Facebook or Sonoma Water - Drought Is Still Here. Save Water.
Monthly Town Halls: Drought - Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information (socoemergency.org)