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Sewer Improvement Project

Updated 3-week lookahead schedule for the Forestville Sewer Upgrade Project (pending weather conditions):

3 Week Schedule 3.20.25.pdf

Work will continue on 2nd Street through the end of this week. Access will be provided to all driveways and sidewalks adjacent to the work area for local residents with maximum delays of 30 minutes.

There will also be small crews working on the south end of Van Keppel Road and west end of Railroad Avenue to pothole to verify the location of existing utilities in preparation of future work in those areas.

Next week, the crew will be moving to Railroad Avenue, starting at the intersection with Forestville Street and working uphill/upstream towards 1st Street. Full lane closures around the work will be required. Traffic may be detoured to adjacent streets where feasible.

Residents who have questions or concerns may contact Dyanna, Managing Engineer George is also available in person onsite of work or by phone (707) 328-0990.